
GameBoy Online

This is a GameBoy Color emulator written purely in JavaScript by Grant Galitz.

The video is done either through HTML5 canvas or by a fallback of creating BMP binary picture format data URI strings and appending the result to regular HTML img tags.

Save states are implemented through the window.localStorage object, and are serialized/deserialized through JSON. SRAM saving is also implemented through the window.localStorage object, and are serialized/deserialized through JSON. In order for save states to work properly on most browsers, you need set the maximum size limit for DOM storage higher, to meet the needs of the emulator's save data size.

For more information about this emulator and its source code, visit the GIT repository at:

Enable Sound (Experimental):
Force Mono Sound:
GB mode has priority over GBC mode:
Use GBC BIOS (Note: Overrides GB priority):
The data URI BMP method has priority over the canvas tag method:
Auto frame skip:
Override ROM only cartridge typing to MBC1:
Always allow reading and writing to the MBC banks:
Colorize Classic GameBoy Palettes:
Minimal view on fullscreen:
Resize canvas directly in JavaScript:
JIT the rescaling algorithm:
Disallow typed arrays to be used:

Keyboard Controls:

Warning: DOMDocument::loadXML(): Empty string supplied as input in /home/unet_homes/rarefluid/pubhtml/gbo/res/framework.php on line 410